Billions of years in the future, after the fall of Earth, the last human awakens inside a stasis chamber...

Something went wrong. The human barely remembers their own name let alone why they are here. They remember the ships name however; "The Forlorn Cadence", equipped with the technology for terraforming dead planets.

Out of the window of the ship a planet obscures almost all of their view, they feel small.
Unsure on how to operate the machines, the human sets about recreating intelligent life...


Gameplay Info

Forlorn Cadence is a point and click strategy game about terraforming a dead planet. Your goal is to figure out how to balance the planets needs, as you reintroduce systems to support life. Try to foster an environment where intelligent life can form.

The game runs in real time, some terraforming activities will take a long time (on the scale of thousands of years). The stasis chamber is used to skip these long waits.

Forlorn Cadence is a point and click strategy game developed for the GMTK Game Jam 2024 with the theme "Built to Scale".


  • Mouse and left click to interact
  • A-D/on screen buttons to pan screen (the game is entirely playable with only a mouse)


Netal game:

Coding - Nettakrim
Art - Walex
Music - The Other Guy


Forlorn Cadence - Windows 38 MB


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Went into cryosleep for 10,000 years to avoid a 5 minute timer. 10/10.
